Sunday, February 9, 2025

In the Meantime

Here is a very early demo of a new song. It's still pretty rough, but I think that it's starting to come together:

I'll update the track as I continue to work on it and re-record the various elements, but I thought I'd share what a song sounds like at the beginning of the process. 

This is the first full song that I have recorded and produced on the new PC setup, too, which I am still figuring out. 

Thanks for listening. I hope you dig it. Check back. It'll get better as I keep working on it.



Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Real to Reel

I have been recording music again lately.

I also wrote another feature-length screenplay, which is now in the revision stage.

Over this past week, I worked out some technical issues in my updated recording setup and spent some time getting myself better acquainted with the software. In doing so, I recorded a very rough version of a new song

This is the first step. I expect that by the time get through recording another full album worth of material, I'll go back and re-record a lot of it, just because I will likely have learned quite a bit in the process. This is how it goes. Still, having something recorded at this point, even if it's not perfect, is infinitely better than nothing.

With all six of my other self-produced albums, I used GarageBand on an old MacBook Pro. Unfortunately, ever since the most recent update that I did of the operating system, that computer has been ridiculously slow. I suspect that this is part of Apple's planned obsolescence, intended to make people think that they need to invest in a new computer.

Rather that play into that nonsense, I bought a refurbished desktop PC that I can upgrade myself as necessary. However, it has taken some time and effort to get everything working properly, and I'm still trying to figure how to do a lot of the stuff that I was able to do in GarageBand, namely the sequencing of realistic-sounding drum tracks.

It has been a rather steep learning curve so far, but my recordings on the PC are gradually getting better. The song that I recorded this past week is the first one that I've done on there that sounds like a complete song, albeit rather unpolished at this point.

Once I have something from the work-in-progress album that seems worthy to share, I'll post a link to it on this site. 

As always, thank you for supporting independent art.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Write On

I may have finished writing two songs today. Each had a verse or two left to compose, plus some polishing, and I think that I worked them out this afternoon. They are tentatively called In the Meantime and Pablo Fiasco. We shall see if I still like them as I incorporate them into my practice setlists over the next few weeks. 

If all is good, then I might be a little closer to the completion of the album that I've been chipping away at for quite some time now. I also started putting lyrics to another song today. All in all, it was a productive Friday.

Once I have recorded versions that I like of the new songs, I will post them somewhere. 

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Human beings are social animals, and for tens of thousands of years, cooperation has been the key to our survival. When we work together toward a common good, we are all better off (including you). 
These songs are rooted in a fundamental belief in the intrinsic benevolence of humanity and our collective will to overcome obstacles and obstinance:


Civilization is built upon the idea that together, we are more than the sum of our parts. Optimism fuels progress, which is how we build a better future. 

Don't let cynicism and hatred destroy us. Resist fascism.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Best

I just played another set at the Buzzard's Roost. If you were there, thank you. I hope that you enjoyed the music. If you dug my songs and want to know what they were, my setlist went something like this:
1. Fireflies
2. Dandelion Wine (If Only...)
3. Baby Blue
4. Don't Forget Who You Are
5. Life Preserver
6. Be Civilized 
7. Antidote
8. Haunted
9. Gravel Roads
10. Mixtape
11. Signs
12. Go It Alone
13. Turn the Page
14. Particle
15. Quicksand
16. Imperfect Creatures
17. Goodbye
18. Screen Memories
19. The Fool
20.  Begin
21. The Limits of Man

Thank you for supporting local, original, independent music.